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We are "Communities Against the Fast-Track" (CAFT). 


We are a coalition of community groups that have come together in opposition to the proposed Fast-Track Bill.


The threat of the Fast-Track Approvals Bill to our democracy, communities and environment is motivating us to fight this together.


Our coalition includes Kiwis Against Seabed Mining (KASM), Coal Action Network Aoteara (CANA), Climate Justice Taranaki, Environment and Conservation Organisations (ECO), 350 AotearoaTaranaki Energy Watch, All Aboard,  Coromandel Watchdog of Hauraki, SAFE For Animals, as well as individual community organisers from around Aotearoa.


Get in touch if you or your group would like to join CAFT.


Our contact person is Augusta Mackassey-Pickard. Her email is or


If you are a journalist and would like to connect to grassroots efforts to Stop the Fast-Track Bill in the regions, please get in touch with Augusta.


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